1860 Armory Road , Parkton NC 28371

Organizational Team building


Are you looking for a creative way to enhance your team?

Does your business:

  • Value its employees
  • Value and encourage continuing education
  • Encourage the physical well-being of its employees
  • Understand the impact family has on work productivity
  • Understand how moral affects its BOTTOM LINE?

We work with organizations by using animals in group activities to show where the leadership talents exist and where they need to be developed.

Do you want to:

  • Increase productivity
  • Increase employee morale
  • Feel empowered by working there
  • Do something special for your team



Team Building Testimonials


Horses, Really?


“Doing helps illustrate the concepts they’re trying to teach.”

“There is a connection between how the (person) interacts with the horse and how the (person) interacts in his/her environment.”

“The strength is in the facilitators to allow participants to work out skills/decisions.”

“That horses respond to humans in some of the same ways humans respond to each other.”

“Horses tend to sense a lot about people!”

“Very interesting concepts. Makes you think more about your surroundings and others.”

“Makes you think outside the box!”

“Very good learning experience! Great way to teach this topic!”

“The second session was very helpful in making connections between workshop and work.”

“Excellent training! Very useful in all areas of life!”

"Was a wonderful opportunity for team building exercises-interpretation was very fresh and well received."

“The team building exercises were extremely useful-will integrate what I have learned into everyday office life.”


All images and videos are copyright Hope-Thru-Horses, Inc. and may not be reused or published without prior written consent of the owner.

Information collected on this site is for use by the site owner only and will not be given, sold or allowed to be used by any other parties unless specifically noted.

Insurance We Accept

Medicaid: Sandhills, Eastpointe, and Alliance
United Healthcare