Women's Leadership Retreats
What do horses and fear have to do with women?

Often times women compromise themselves because of fear. They fear not being loved. They are afraid of failing. They are afraid of succeeding. They are afraid of not being enough. All of these fears are about how women are perceived by others. Women often do not stand up for themselves or lose their authentic self because of these fears. Through experiences with horses, women realize this and regain it.

The idea is... When you learn to trust (a large powerful animal), you experience emotional security and physical safety. Because you experience it (instead of talking about what it might feel like), you can identify that safety and security in your everyday life (outside of the arena). You, therefore, maintain your spiritual integrity, your personal truths. You can trust in your process. Like horses, you learn to connect your mind, body, and spirit to live in the moment by trusting internal and external messages/cues or intuition as you relate to your world.
Learn how horses are incorporated as part of the team for WOMEN who:
- Have significant responsibility in their lives
- Are formal or informal leaders in their families and/or organizations
- Have not fully unleashed their leadership potential
- Envision an extraordinary result but can’t see how to produce it
- Feel too busy to connect with other women Are at a crossroads in their lives
Program Description:
This program will be held in an intimate setting with a small group of women who are in a care-giving field.

How much training in a classroom under fluorescent lights have you had where you have just melted into the background? This training is completely different. You will do nothing but participate, learn, and experience! Get out of the office and dust off the cobwebs for a refreshing perspective on life!
This is an experiential training where you will be introduced to and PRACTICE activities related to discovering your passion both professionally and personally. You will identify how your fears are inhibiting you from pursuing your passions. You will also learn how blaming yourself and others inhibits you from achieving your goals. You will then be able to help your clients understand how fear and blame affect their lives negatively. In this training, you will create a plan to implement with a goal, objective, and leave with a “to do list” to help you begin to pursue your passions!
The retreat is a combination of individual and group exercises, discussion, and small learning teams. Expect conversations and activities that challenge your perception of the world. In this interactive workshop that includes activities using horses as well as group discussion and with a renewed perspective, participants will learn self-care techniques that incorporate the mind, body, and spirit. Participants will be challenged to broaden their ways of clinical thinking and interacting with clients.
Objectives of the training are to:
- Explore your passion and purpose professionally i.e. populations you desire to serve, modalities you desire to implement, places you would like to work, etc
- Explore your passions personally as they relate to self-care
- Learn how fear and blame inhibit you from pursuing your passions
- Leave with at least one goal, objective, and plan to pursue your passion professionally and personally
All in 3 hours!

“You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the court and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing, and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.”

”Gratitude produced the most purely joyful moments that have been known to man.”
G. K. Chesterton